

Welcome to the dose of inspiration and encouragement for Canadian Home Schoolers.

s3e11 Large Family Working Homeschool Mom

s3e11 Large Family Working Homeschool Mom

Today Rowan interviews Christine Dittman, who owns a Lego re-sale business and keeps busy homeschooling her ten children. Christine shares how she juggles her business and homeschooling, and also shares tips for homeschooling with a large family such as minimizing stuff in your house and other efficiencies.

Don’t forget to share on Pinterest using the image below:

In the intro, we mentioned upcoming homeschool events. Here are some links for the resources mentioned:

Canadian Homeschool Symposium

Heading to a homeschool conference? Check out our episode on how to navigate a homeschool conference, especially if you’re new:

Conference Hacks Free Printable

S3E12 Unschooling with Stephanie Sewell

S3E12 Unschooling with Stephanie Sewell

s3e10 Testing in Your Homeschool

s3e10 Testing in Your Homeschool