

Welcome to the dose of inspiration and encouragement for Canadian Home Schoolers.

S4E4 Is Your Homeschool PREPARED?

S4E4 Is Your Homeschool PREPARED?

Rowan shares content that she created for an emergency preparedness seminar, but customized it for you! Is your family prepared for emergencies?

Nothing makes me feel prepared like a good pile of firewood :)

To help pay for this website and podcast, Canadian-A Educational is part of the Amazon affiliates program. We may receive a small commission on things you purchase using our links at no extra charge to you. We link them out of helpfulness more than anything else, but there it is :)

Here is the link for the emergency supplies that I mentioned:

Emergency Radio/Light

USO Candle Lantern

Here’s where I get my Thrive Life emergency meals: the monthly plan allows me to save money and makes sure I’m consistently adding to my preps. I’m not an affiliate of this company but I like it. -Rowan

A couple of Youtuber preppers I enjoy are: and They are both level-headed and practical

I also enjoy for homesteading how-tos and prepping

Let me know in the comments below your best prepping tips:

s4e3 Tips for a Meaningful Advent

s4e3 Tips for a Meaningful Advent